Products and Services

Noveras Tax On Instrument
Essential tool for you to effectively advise your clients in today’s “performance after tax” world.
It provides you with up-to-date, country specific tax information on single security level for all asset classes. Our data enrichment service allows you to gather in-depth understanding of the tax implications on a given security and helps you to make tax knowledgeable investment decisions.
Obtain comprehensive country-specific tax information details for every single security just by entering the security number and domicile.
- Income Tax
- Capital Gains and Losses Tax
- Wealth Tax
- Social Contribution
- Comprehensive country-specific Tax Details for every instrument

Automated Securities Accounting for Companies
For asset-managing companies, e.g. German GmbHs/AGs, that create their necessary accounting records manually from the bank's customer reporting, Noveras offers electronic and machine-readable securities accounting, which creates the accounting transactions automatically and daily on the basis of bank transactions.
This enables a fast and efficient tax calculation of German companies.

Qualified Dividends and Interest
Qualified dividends and interests can be taxed with a lower capital gain tax rate instead of the higher income tax rate. Obtain all important figures on security level for your specific instrument scope.
- Funds: qualified dividend/interest percentage
- Non-funds: categorization as qualified or non-qualified
- Specific year end for fund figures
- Research status

Noveras Tax Suite
Essential tool in today’s 'After-Tax Performance' world. For the first time, it enables to efficiently select investments with low tax impact and realize tax savings.
NTS provides complete tax overview of your portfolio and several features like:
- Netting Simulation Engine
- CGL Calculator
- Tax Impact Overview
- Holding Periods Overview
- After-Tax Performance
- Tax Reporting Engine
- Tax On Instrument Search

Tax Reporting
Our convenient country-specific Tax Reporting on your investments covers all products and is available anytime. It includes all the necessary features:
- Income, CGL, Wealth tax/information reporting on all products, including foreign currency, calculations and their results are fully reconciliable
- Consolidation across all offshore (and, if relevant, onshore) client accounts/deposits
- Country specific capital gains and losses calculations (FIFO/LIFO/AWC/method mix)
- Special treatments applied based on holding periods, product categorisation/specifics, tax years, etc.
- Country specific calculation e.g. UK B&B rules, wash sales, business income, etc.
- Client specific treatment possible, e.g. For inheritances
- Data exchange via electronic feed, API, or PDF statements
- Available in various languages
Inter-Disciplinary experience
We combine cross-functional expertise, delivering effective solutions covering banking, projects, tax, legal and IT challenges likewise.
Private banking expertise
We have long-standing and in depth expertise servicing private banks and selected international individuals.
Practical experience
Our proposals, implementations and products always have a strong practical angle.
About Us

NOVERAS is a tax tech and consulting firm offering unique expertise to banks, financial intermediaries, financial platforms and selected private individuals.
Our long-standing experience in banking combined with in-depth IT expertise and a specialization in international tax regulations build the key pillars of the NOVERAS core competence. Our distinctive combination of capabilities allows us to deliver effective solutions with strong practical angle to banks, financial intermediaries and financial platforms and selected private individuals.
NOVERAS HistoryLeadership Team

Roland Eduah
Managing Partner
Thomas Haller
Managing Partner
Andrew Keller
Managing PartnerContact
Schützengasse 4, 8001 Zürich
Churerstrasse 42, 8808 Pfäffikon
+41 (0)55 415 70 31