The NOVERAS Tax Suite is essential in today’s "After-Tax Performance" world. For the first time, it enables to efficiently select investments with low tax impact and realize tax savings.
The NOVERAS Tax Suite consists of three cockpits which can be used together or individually as requested:

Tax On Instrument
Tax Transparency - What is the tax impact on a Security?
Obtain comprehensive country-specific tax information details for every single security just by entering the security number and domicile.
- Income Tax Rate
- Capital Gains and Losses Tax Rate
- Wealth Tax Rate
- Comprehensive country-specific Tax Details for every instrument

Tax On Holdings and Transactions
Performance After Tax Mastered - Where can I realize tax savings? How does the investment performance look after tax?
The real-time capabilities of the Portfolio Cockpit on securities portfolio enable distinguished and smart tax-optimized investment decision. You receive the necessary information from the NOVERAS Tax Suite.
- Tax Netting Opportunities
- Possible Tax Savings
- Holding Periods
- Harmful Products
- Unrealized Gains / Losses
- YTD Accrued Taxes
- And More Features

Tax Reporting
Convenient Tax Reporting - Is the reporting on your investments available anytime, is it entirely country-specific and does it cover all products?
Our holistic reports include all the necessary features:
- Income, CGL, Wealth tax/information reporting on all products, including foreign currency, calculations and their results are fully reconciliable
- Consolidation across all offshore (and, if relevant, onshore) client accounts/deposits
- Country specific capital gains and losses calculations (FIFO/LIFO/AWC/method mix)
- Special treatments applied based on holding periods, product categorisation/specifics, tax years, etc.
- Country specific calculation e.g. UK B&B rules, wash sales, business income, etc.
- Client specific treatment possible, e.g. For inheritances
- Data exchange via electronic feed, API, or PDF statements
- Available in various languages
For more details please contact us:
+41 (0)55 415 70 31